Dear Girl Talk/ Baby Talk Attendees,
Our dear friend, counselor, and patient advocate,
Kim Sprayberry, left this life after a fall Friday night and
severe head injury. There was nothing more that
modern medicine could offer.
Kim’s presence brought new life to our
patients and to our practice. In the process
Kim had rediscovered her passion for helping
others with the most intimate personal challenges.
With encouragement from her friends and other employer,
she was motivated to plan a return to full time counseling practice!
All who knew her will miss her dearly. We will need to support
and console her husband, veterinarian, Mark Sprayberry, and their
family, and our many patients who attended her support group and
sought her guidance during their life challenges.
Then, simply hug and kiss those in your life…and thank
them for being there.
With sadness and anguish,
Barry Ripps, MD and the entire NewLIFE Team
When do I need to seek help?
Infertility is a medical condition that touches all aspects of your life. It may affect your relationships with others, your perspective on life, and how you feel about yourself. How you deal with these feelings will depend on your personality and life experiences. Most people can benefit from the support of family, friends, medical caregivers, and mental health professionals. When considering infertility treatment options it may be especially helpful to gain the assistance of a fertility counselor.
Girl Talk/Baby Talk Support Group
Infertility is isolating and exhausting. You don’t have to do this alone. Join other women in our monthly support group designed to help you:
- Reduce stress
- Manage negative thinking
- Connect with other women who get it
- Find freedom from sadness, anxiety, and guilt
- Strengthen connection with our loved ones
- Participate in the non-fertility part of your life again
- Hear from medical professionals who are active in the fertility world
NewLIFE Infertility Support Group is currently on hold.
Support Services for Established NewLIFE Fertility Patients
Not ready for an in-person support group?
Learn more about individual sessions to help you take charge of your fertility.
Individual Support Services are currently on hold.