Age and Endometriosis require an Expert!

Our journey to parenthood began four years ago. My husband and I had no health issues. So we thought becoming pregnant would be a breeze. How we were wrong! We tried for 1 year, and after diagnostic tests with my Ob/Gyn returned “normal,” I opted for a diagnostic laparoscopy. Sure enough, she discovered that I had Stage II endometriosis, a small fibroid and hemorrhagic cyst.
Despite surgery for these problems, we were unsuccessful on our own and that ObGyn (I have since switched) recommended ANOTHER fertility clinic in Mobile. An unrewarding experience with that office and several IUI’s, lead me to a little research that lead us to NewLIFE. Even being a healthcare professional myself, I wasn’t aware that not all doctors who offer fertility care are actually trained in that specialty and certified. And apparently, they aren’t required to share this with patients. But from our FIRST consultation with Dr. Ripps, we had a great feeling that this was where we would be successful.
By the time we found NewLIFE, I was already “advanced maternal age.” Nothing seems to bring more anguish to a want-to-mother than to hear it “might be your age!” But I already knew that, and Dr. Ripps shared a lot of positive wisdom. Putting all of our factors together, he didn’t suggest wasting time repeating less effective treatments. And he treated us like professionals that we both are, giving us all the data and statistics that reassured us of our chances of pregnancy. Just like their “Mission,” NewLIFE moves quickly, for their patients’ benefit!
With this kind of expertise, despite my age, the NewLIFE team brought us early success. With the right doctor (credentials matter) and the “right sauce” (the team, the lab) not only did we conceive but we had extra embryos to try for baby #2.
It was a LONG journey, made a little longer by trusting other’s advice, but our success would not have been possible without Dr. Ripps, his great staff and the power of prayer. We are a family now and are forever grateful.
Best Wishes to others on the journey.
We Switched…and Persevered!
My husband and I started our journey to becoming parents 6 years ago. After a year of trying without success we began evaluation for infertility. We started at a different fertility doctor in Tallahassee and were very upset with how we were treated.
Once we made the switch to Dr. Ripps and his Tallahassee office everything changed. That’s not to say it was easy, infertility never is. But the amount of care and compassion was infinitely better. Our journey to become parents took several years…two rounds of IVF and 6 FETs later we are forever grateful for our baby girl who is now 6 months old.
During the process I almost gave up several times, letting the stress of it all overwhelm me. Each time Deanna and Dr Ripps were SO supportive and encouraging with the perfect amount of humor thrown in.
Before each transfer Dr. Ripps and Deanna would meet with us and we would discuss what had been done and what could be changed to try to improve success. This made my husband and I feel empowered to make the right decisions in our treatment. Dr. Ripps would always tell me “we are gonna make you parents, just stick with me. We can do this.”
He was right and our Charlie Kate is wonderful. Because of their continued perseverance I have the joy of becoming a mother and watching my husband be the most caring and attentive father.
As they say “Perseverance Produces Parents” and they will be with you every step of the way.
-Lauren Balberchak