The little embryo that could…

On May 30, 2018 I awoke from emergency surgery for a ruptured ectopic pregnancy! From her perspective, my ObGyn surgeon concluded that to conceive naturally was likely now impossible. To say we were heartbroken fails to describe the depth of grief. My husband and I decided to seek more help from a specialist and recommendations from friends that were ALL THE SAME: talk to the folks at NewLIFE.
I had struggled with endometriosis for years. Through several surgeries prior to the ectopic pregnancy, I had lost one ovary. Not surprisingly, my testing revealed the dreaded, “low ovarian reserve” However, the NewLIFE doctors were not so glum and reminded me “it only takes one good egg.”
Taking a “leap of faith” didn’t seem so hard when a team of professionals supported me. I’m SO grateful for that support and glad we took the chance. My egg retrieval only gave us 3 eggs. One was immature. One of the two mature eggs did not fertilize. Once again, should we feel grief and despair or faith and hope? But the last egg kept going, and became “the little embryo that could.” This little embryo made it to “Day 5” and was transferred.
That little embryo is now a 2 month-old baby boy sleeping on my chest as I write this. It is difficult to describe our joy. In retrospect, perhaps the miracle was having enough courage that my husband and I were willing to try IVF, even if the odds were against us. Now we think that the “miracle” was the encouragement and kindness we received through the roller coaster of emotions that is infertility and IVF. It is hard to find words to express our gratitude.
If you are reading this because you too want to be a mother, I realize our story might have ended differently, and many do, but before even thinking about giving up, give up the uncertainty by seeking advice from the specialists at NewLIFE.
-SS & CS